
  • Blog Newbies – Four Ways to Make Writing Easier

    Imagine this: you sit down to your computer to write, and the words flow easily and confidently from your brain to the keyboard.  On your first try, your thoughts are concise, well-crafted, entertaining, and engaging.  This post is destined to become a classic (at least in the blog world)!  No interruptions, no distractions, just a……

  • 3 Reasons Your QR Codes Suck (And How to Fix Them)

    QR Codes: We Aren’t Mad. We’re Just Disappointed. How long has it been since you last saw or heard someone mention a QR code?  I’m guessing it hasn’t been long. When you first encountered QR codes, were you intrigued by the seemingly futuristic technology?  Once it sunk in, did the ideas for how to use……

  • Cloud Wars: Who Will Be King of the Cloud?

    Hot off the press (sorta), an industry buzzword you’ve likely heard flying around the office: “The Cloud”. Cloud computing refers to the idea of moving your files and applications off of your computer and onto a server somewhere else. The idea is that you should be able to sit down at any computer and work,……

  • Digital Relativity Has One Purpose

    First, let me say how proud and delighted I am to be part of what’s happening at Digital Relativity.  Our team has been happily working hard to start this new chapter.  Long hours.  A few hurdles.  Hard work.  And it’s all led to the launch of our new company. The Beginning When the idea for……

  • Digital Relativity – An Example of Change and Progress

    Digital Relativity – An Example of Change and Progress

    Change. It’s good. Knowing you need to make one, and actually doing it are two entirely different things. After 13+ years as founder and owner of Matterhorn Marketing Solutions, the decision to make a change was not an easy one. I had grown and changed, learning from small wins and failures. It was simply time……