
  • Seven Things I’ve Learned at Content Marketing World (So Far)

    I’ve attended a lot of conferences throughout my career (and in fact, I worked in conference services at one point).  So I’ve seen it all, and most conferences have a few things in common: rubber chicken, freezing meeting rooms, boring power point presentations, and disengaged attendees. That’s not what’s happening at Content Marketing World (well, except……

  • The Importance of Drawing Things on Paper in Real Life

    I took a lot of CADD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting) classes in high school. So many, in fact, that my original major in college was Video Game Design. But, there weren’t very many video game studios in my area. When I switched over to web design and programming, it made sense that I still……

  • Agencies – Educate Your Clients and Spare Everyone the Drama

    There’s often a disconnect that happens between agencies and clients.  We’ve seen it happen more than once.  And that disconnect often leads to disappointment, dashed expectations, and yes, sometimes even drama. In my experience, this happens because of a communication breakdown. And I’ll admit, it happened to me.  I went from working as a sales……

  • How a Good Mobile Marketing Campaign is Like Sushi

    I’m about as big a sushi lover as they come.  I have been known to go out for sushi at least one night per week and I’m slowly learning to make it at home.  It was on one such outing that a thought struck me: “You know, Justin, sushi is a lot like mobile marketing.”……

  • 5 Ways Marketing Managers Can Start Using QR Codes

    By now you’ve seen or heard of QR, or quick response, codes.  These scannable images are popping up in a lot of expected, and some unexpected, places.  The beauty of QR codes is that they allow you to share a breadth and depth of information through static channels that simply wasn’t possible before. Companies and……

  • The Mobile Web Wants YOU!

    Remember awhile ago when you thought to yourself, “Hey. I need a mobile website,” and then just let it go?  It seemed like a good idea at the time.  You’ve seen other mobile sites on your phone and think they look pretty cool. But, for whatever reason, it just wasn’t the right time for you….…