Digital Relativity Has One Purpose

First, let me say how proud and delighted I am to be part of what’s happening at Digital Relativity.  Our team has been happily working hard to start this new chapter.  Long hours.  A few hurdles.  Hard work.  And it’s all led to the launch of our new company.

The Beginning
When the idea for Digital Relativity was ‘hatched’, it grew out of a realization that a digital marketing firm needs to be more than, well, digital.  What’s happening in search, social media, mobile – it impacts every piece and part of a marketing plan.  Traditional marketing tactics must always consider digital components.  Digital marketing tactics must always consider traditional components.  But it’s not always happening.  Companies that don’t embrace this change will struggle.

It all boils down to this: There is a shift in mindset happening in the marketing world.  Incorporate digital into the marketing strategy that you know works for your company.  It’s got to become part of your thinking, ingrained into your culture, and fully embraced (not ignored).

A lot of industry folks suggest that this mindset shift is similar to how the marketing game changed when marketers started to embrace the internet.  Time will tell, I suppose, but I think they’re right.

The Purpose
So, back to what I really wanted to share – our purpose.  Digital Relativity solves marketing problems.

That’s it.

The solution we present will almost always include some digital component.  But it might also include suggestions for traditional print, television, or radio.  Or trade shows, airplane banners, or mall appearances (okay, hopefully not mall appearances).

We hope that you will trust us enough to be your digital marketing consultant.  Too often companies like ours are hired to do a project, only to fall short of everyone’s goals because the hiring company was unwilling or unable to implement the suggested solutions.

Why would you hire a consultant without any intention of implementing the plan they suggest?  Or at least considering the plan they suggest?  But it happens all the time.

So if you think you want to work with Digital Relativity, that’s what we’ll ask of you.  Trust us.  Let us help you.  Give us access to the resources we need to come up with an actionable plan.  And then be willing to get to work.  It’s the only way we can both be successful.

And if we can’t help you, we’ll be honest about that too.

Tell us what you think in the comments.